Vanessa has had a number of her paintings reproduced over the years as greetings cards by the lovely Canns Down Press – well known for its artist cards.
Below are a selection of paintings used for their Christmas card range.
The Bridgeman Library is one of the world’s largest art licensing companies.
Vanessa has been represented by Bridgeman Library for five years and has had her paintings reproduced across a range of markets worldwide. Most recently Oxfam used four of her animal paintings as part of their Christmas card range for 2019.
In 2019 Vanessa worked on a series of illustrations for House and Garden magazine alongside Garden’s Editor Clare Foster.
Vanessa was commissioned to produce six paintings which followed the changing seasons in Clare’s newly-made garden – from tulips in spring through to dahlias in her late summer cutting border.
These featured in her monthly ‘Diary of a New Garden’ throughout six issues of the magazine.
Vanessa was approached by Highgrove Estates to produce two paintings to be reproduced as Christmas cards for the Highgrove shop.
The paintings featured hares and pheasants wandering through the beautifully scenic grounds of the Highgrove Estate in the snow, with the house and distinctive ‘Pepperpot Pavillion’ in the background.
Vanessa was approached by paint company Farrow & Ball to produce a one-off print to be sent out as part of their worldwide press launch for a new range of paint colours in association with the Natural History Museum, London.
The inspiration for the project came from ‘Werner’s Nomenclature of Colours’, published in 1814 and used by Charles Darwin on his voyage on the Beagle.
It was such a beautiful project to work on. Werner’s catalogue describes colour in a lyrical and exacting style – a blue being, ‘the upper side of the wings of a small heath butterfly’, a vivid green being, ‘the beauty spot on the wing of a Teal drake’….
The resulting image was printed using paints from the new range at the Farrow & Ball factory in Dorset.